Hail Nykole
Sunday, May 06, 2007
5th May - What lovely friends I have got!

Ops… I am late for the weekly update, please forgive me! Anyway, I have a good reason for it and that is “My Birthday”! Thanks to those that have messaged me throughout the weekends, your intention is greatly appreciated.

It has been some time that I have felt the warmth of friendship. First, it is the S.S then is the RSS and now, it is the BVSS. Yeah… call me a loser or whatever you like and I just can not help it. I need my dosage of love, dote and princess treatment from my friends. Especially to the faithful suppliers who tolerate my willfulness no matter how ridiculous I am.

HH      HH   UU      UU      GGGGG      SSSSSS
HH      HH   UU      UU   GGG               SSS
HHHHHH   UU      UU   GG      GGG       SSSS
HH      HH   UUUUUU   GGG      GG          SSS
HH      HH      UUUU         GGGGG      SSSSSS

We went to the Japanese Restaurant at Tampines Swimming Complex. Through verbal comments, the restaurant seems not bad and it is drawing long queues everyday. Personally I still felt that Sakae Sushi and Sushi Tei are much better than it.

We proceeded to a new pub in Changi Village after the dinner for a drinking session. The ambience is pretty nice. The only negative points are we can see xiao qiang and is a bit hot that night.

This pair of sunglass is given by BVSS. I was really shocked and surprise by this gift. It must have burnt a big hole in their pocket. I must make go use of it after fixing the nose support.

IKEA Vouchers from S.S ! I requested for it! Love you girls… Err… sorry guys can’t include u into love part. But thanks for sharing the gift and I really appreciate it. Come… I give you a virtual hug.

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