Oh well… here’s comes the first bad news after birthday celebrations. I have visited NUH at 10.30am on 9th May 2007. It wasn’t to see the doctor but to do an EEG test for epilepsy. If you are my friends in the school days, you will probably know about my medical history. I’m it is an exciting one compare to yours.
The EEG tests any symptoms of epilepsy and the reason to take it is to get a doctor’s permission for driving. I am sure you would have heard of “If you drink, don’t drive”. Now, I am telling you “If you have epilepsy, don’t drive!”.
During the test, I was made to sleep for half an hour, or at least at relax mode, and to act as instructed by the technician. She recorded the brainwave in my brain for that duration.
Here’s the normal brainwave of mine.

The technician showed me the disturbance I have during the discharge of excess electricity in my brain. Here’s a photo of it

Here’s what she said to me:
“I think you have to stop your driving plans at the moment till further advise from the doctor on the 21st May. The graphs shows intensive disturbance lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes.”
O.S. from my heart,” DAMM IT… there’s goes my mini cooper.:(”
Although the possibility is small, still I hope to hear good news from the doctor on the 21st May. Probably he might tell me I can - proceed with my driving plan? - No need to be on medical? - No need to come back for drug testing?
I really hate the medicated lifestyle, especially they have side effects on human body. Also to mention about the hassle of visiting hospital for drug test and consultation, it is NUH this time. It is all the way from Tampines to Bona Vista.
Not forgetting to mention, I must keep myself from stress too. Too much of it might fasten up the frequency of epilepsy. So… Dear friends… Please don’t(strikethrough) NEVER stress me!.. haha…
Maybe… you can tell me how to feel stress in the current Singapore Society?
Labels: brainwave, driving, EEG, epilepsy, medical, NUH, stress